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Useful tcpdump commands

TCPDUMP Cheat Sheet

TCP traffic on port 80-88

tcpdump -nvvX -sO -i ethO tcp portrange 80-88

Capturing traffic to specific IP address excluding specific subnet

tcpdump -I ethO -tttt dst ip and not net

Capturing traffic for a specific host

tcpdump host

Capturing traffic for a specific subnet

tcpdump net 10.1.1

Capturing traffic for a given duration in seconds

dumpcap -I ethO -a duration: sec -w file myfile.pcap

Replaying a PCAP

file2cable -i ethO -f file.pcap

Replaying packets (to fuzz/DoS)

`tcpreplay--topspeed --loop=O --intf=ethO pcap_file_to_replay mbps=10|100|1000